Preserve your commodity
Dates are a major food crop across a large band of Africa and Eurasia, and to a lesser extent elsewhere. In most of its growing range, dates are threatened with infestation
Altough many companies are chosing now for non-toxic methods, dates is still mainly fumigated with toxic chemical such as Phosphine. This hazardous substances leave toxic residues in, on and around the product and are not always very effective, because of improper application and because of globally increasing pest resistance to this chemical.
b-Cat is experienced with Controlled Atmosphere treatments of big amounts of Dates. Our treatments do not use chemicals assuring always the best quality of products’ ingredients.
The Controlled Atmosphere Treatment can take place on different ways. Exisiting cold stores can be used, fresh from the field treated and after treatment the coldstore can be switched on, of course separate constructed treatment chambers are possile.
For optimum conservation and/or treatment also the solutions of vQm Packaging system is very suitable, Easy, quick & mobile.
Common commodity feeders:
- Confused flour beetle (Tribolium confusum)
- Dried fruit beetle (Carpophilus dimidiatus)
- Almond moth (Ephestia cautella)
- Grape moth (Ephestia figulilella)

Other Solutions:
vQm Packaging is a global leader in the supply of Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) in semi-bulk packaging to preserve the shelf-life of the product(s) and control of insects from the moment of packaging, exporting, and warehousing.
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