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Frontier Co-op

Frontier Co-op Norway Iowa

Project description

Inside the warehouse facility of Frontier Co-op in Norway we have realized 2 Controlled Atmosphere Chambers. The chambers are dimensioned so they can be (un)-loaded by the aim of push racks.

b-Cat contributed to the set-up and placement, for this purpose various designs were made until the intended result was achieved. In addition, b-Cat has everything in-house, design, construction (realization).


Frontier CoOp, provides a variety of natural spices and organic herbs all around the world.

Some key facts:

LocationNorway, AI
Year of completion2018
Number of chambers2
Capacity each chamber1 Ft containers
Type of generatorPSA 50


Eliminating Pests in All Life Stages
Eliminates 100% of insects in stored product
No Residues
No chemical residues on products
No Resistance
No resistance in pest population
Organic Production
Can be used towards organic production
Costs savings
Highly efficient nitrogen & innovative heating system
Flexible Solutions
Choose between fixed or mobile options
Treatment Data Collected
A record of the treatment is available

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